Day 12 of Gratitude
Day 12 of our Gratitude project! Join us! What are you grateful for today? Today we brainstorm our vision statement with its priorities. Priorities are...
Meditation Yoga Compassion
The Do Not Complain project helps foster compassion, empathy, and gratitude.
Day 12 of our Gratitude project! Join us! What are you grateful for today? Today we brainstorm our vision statement with its priorities. Priorities are...
It’s Day 11 of our Gratitude Project! What are you grateful for today? Find a way to help someone out. Offer to babysit for a...
We’re in double digits! Hurrah! Day 10! What are you grateful for today? Add something growing into your life. Plant a seed or two. Get...
It’s Day Nine of our Gratitude project! What are you grateful for today? Do a mindful eating experience. Think about all the people who helped...
It’s Day Eight of being grateful! Join us! Today is about appreciating our ears. Find music you adore and listen to a song or two....
Day six of our journey through gratitude! Be grateful for your body each day. It’s the one and only vessel which holds “you” throughout your...
Day 5 of our 30-day Uplifting Words challenge! Join us! What are you grateful for today? Think about your mantra. Then think of 3 people...
Day 4 of our 30-day Uplifting Words challenge! What are you grateful for today? Consider your mantra. Check in with your board of directors. And...
Day 3 of the 30 Days of Gratitude challenge! First, post or write something you’re grateful for. Think about your mantra. Then, today’s task! Build...
Day 2 of the 30 Days of Gratitude challenge Day 2 of the 30 Days of Gratitude challenge! Come join us! First, post something you’re...