Uplifting Words Cover
This is for the Uplifting Words project I just completed. Which do you prefer? Left or right? Feel free to mix fonts and suggest other...
Meditation Yoga Compassion
The Do Not Complain project helps foster compassion, empathy, and gratitude.
This is for the Uplifting Words project I just completed. Which do you prefer? Left or right? Feel free to mix fonts and suggest other...
Woo Hoo! The End Of This Project! Time to Celebrate! I’m going to do a little dance :). If anybody would like to see this...
Day 30! The Day of Reflection! How did this last month go? What things did you get done? What can you learn from the month?...
Day 29 of Gratitude. Look forward a month. There’s great potential there. What is something specific you’d like to improve in that month? Make it...
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! It’s the Day of Gratitude! There is just so much for us to be thankful for. Even just the fact that we...
Gratitude Day 27 – We are all only humans, not robots. We have a limited amount of things we can do in a given day....
Day 26 of Gratitude. We are all but tiny motes in the vast Universe of life. Take a moment to close your eyes. To open...
Gratitude Day 25 – Most of us have some tasks in life that we’re not fond of. We tend to put those off until ‘later’....
Gratitude Day 24 – Our brains are designed to be creative. To think up new ideas. Let your brain have some fun! Draw some doodles....
Gratitude Day 23 – Our bodies do the best they can to carry us through our entire life. What are you grateful for about your...