Mindfulness While Driving in Traffic
It can be relatively easy to focus on mindfulness when you are personally interacting one-on-one with another person. You can look into their eyes. See...
Meditation Yoga Compassion
It can be relatively easy to focus on mindfulness when you are personally interacting one-on-one with another person. You can look into their eyes. See...
I have been working on and off on a Do Not Complain project since April 7, 2008. Just what is a Do Not Complain project...
Evening meditation time. My Black Cat mystery series sold out AGAIN at the Wicked Good Books bookstore in Salem Mass – I brought them out...
Evening meditation time. So much that we agonize over does not matter in the long run. Let it go. Focus on what truly brings you...
Evening meditation time. A friend of mine’s great-uncle died in the Civil War. I video-recorded her telling his story, preserving both a sense of him...
Evening meditation time. I finished revisions on my book, submitted to an art show, and made progress on a number of to-do items. Plus I...
Evening meditation time. My fountain sphere is once again spinning thanks to the assistance of my black kittens. They are helpful out so many ways...
Evening meditation time. I had a fantastic weekend. There was a Photography show opening on Fri. Sat featured workshops on Pastels and black and white...
Evening meditation time. The two black kittens have been very helpful today. They climbed all over me during yoga, testing my balance. They aerated 3...
Evening meditation time. I am so pleased with my new cyanotype grid I made with bicycle gears. I like the mindful nature of making these...