Morning Yoga

I did my yoga under the umbrella today to stay in the shade. Here’s my view for meditation. Serene. Julie snoozed away. Apparently the birds know she’s deaf. A pair of titmice landed on the railing right above her, looked down at her, and sang their little hearts out. Maybe they were testing her. She just snoozed on. #namaste

I’ll note that I really wanted a green umbrella but Bob bought the red one because it was cheaper. So now he’s promised me we can paint it green. We tried bleaching it first. You can see that that didn’t work very well :).


One Reply to “Morning Yoga”

  1. Hi Lisa

    It is a really nice, darkish color, not a very hot red. I like it! But it’s your umbrella, so don’t be irritated whenever you look at it, change the color o what you want. Maybe a fabric paint will do the trick?

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