This entire weekend was a wonderful exploration of creativity and inspiration. Friday night was the opening reception for the BVAA’s “Series” show, showcasing series in a variety of forms. Saturday was Uxbridge Gallery day, exploring the artwork and talking with artists about ideas for events. Sunday was our Art-Poetry reception at the Millbury Barnes & Noble. We read our poetry, explored our art, and had a lot of fun.
It was all immensely delightful.
I am so grateful that I have this community of talented artists, authors, and musicians around me who are so open to sharing their ideas. Every person has their own angle on the world. Their own view and language. Each time I participate in one of these events it’s as if I’m dipped in a golden bath of energy. I come up with all sorts of new ideas.
Creative communities remind us that we are all on our Planet Earth together. We all have interesting ideas to share. We can all support each other to grow, learn, and reach for our dreams. We just need to open our hearts and our arms to each other’s path.