Day 4 of our 30-day Uplifting Words challenge!
What are you grateful for today? Consider your mantra. Check in with your board of directors.
And then it’s time to explore!
Search your favorite image areas. It could be Instagram, Twitter, Google, or whatever. Find art items which sing to you. They could be watercolor paintings, photography, digital art, anything at all. Store links to them so you can “visit” them regularly. Fill your virtual world with beauty!
Feel free to share links or posts below!

Today I’m grateful that I can work from home. It means the moment I woke up I pulled my laptop onto the bed and did my final read-through of my cozy witch mystery. I’m ready to put a first version live! Hurrah! I have a cable TV interview next Wednesday and I want to get a copy in-hand to showcase for that.
My mantra “Be the change you wish to see in the world” is normally on a bracelet I wear. I’ve managed to lose two now. Maybe the universe needed them for someone else. So I’ve ordered a third which will be here soon.
My board of directors is a fairly down-to-earth just-get-it-done group. They remind me that whatever challenges I face, others have it far worse. I just need to hunker down and get on with my to-do list!
Here’s an image I love – it’s at the Worcester Art Museum so I can visit it often. It’s by Kandinsky. I love how light and free and playful it is. Full of unexpected ideas.