Evening meditation time – Losing Weight
Evening meditation time. Losing weight is never easy. Meditating gives you an added edge to help your body relax into the process. Join me for...
Meditation Yoga Compassion
Evening meditation time. Losing weight is never easy. Meditating gives you an added edge to help your body relax into the process. Join me for...
Evening meditation time. With all the issues with opioids, meditation has been shown in studies to be more effective at pain management than many medications....
Evening meditation time. I only got a few hours sleep last night preparing for an art event today. The event was loads of fun and...
Evening meditation time. Black kittens Felix & Zuzu are curled up together in Bob’s clean laundry clothes pile. It reminds me we don’t need money...
Happy New Year everyone! The latest edition of the Mused Literary Review is live in beautiful responsive design! We’d love feedback. PDF and Print versions...
Evening meditation time. I’m documenting my great-grandfather’s watercolor paintings of the Fox River in Illinois. Hopefully I’ll get high-quality archival photos of them shortly, to...
You don’t have to do a long two-hour yoga practice every day to get benefits. If your schedule is busy, just make time for ten...
Evening meditation time. I’m preparing to finalize book 9 in my zoo mystery series. Zuzu and Felix are curled up in a kitten ball 🙂. #namaste ...
Zuzu and Felix seem to find my yoga mat irresistible. The moment I roll it out for my daily yoga they are sprawled on it,...
Evening meditation time. Bob brought the tiger barb tank a Christmas present – more friends! Now we have seven of them and they are flocking...