Happy Monday, everyone! I am nearing the end of my enormous Server Move project! I am currently moving my LisaShea server. Then there is only BellaOnline left (which is huge) and then I am done! I am so grateful I finally found a solution. Having my servers and my mail crashing non-stop for the past year has been very stressful. I’m glad after all the trial and error I finally found a hosting company which works for our needs.
This is definitely the card for me. Let me know if you’d like me to draw a card for you for the week!
Knight of Cups
Traditional meaning:
The knight of cups is a card of inspiration and creativity. It is about pausing for a moment and allowing those voices within you to speak.
It’s about trusting in the power of compassion and harmony. You are protected. You will be fine. Give yourself permission to reach out and inspire others. Share your knowledge of beauty and artistry with others.
Another aspect of the knight of cups is that they’ve come home after a long, rough journey. Be grateful for what you have learned and now make use of that experience.
Sometimes the knight of cups card can be about sensitivity. If you’re feeling sensitive about an issue, find that inner strength. Know that you can get through it.
My Interpretation:
This knight seems very well protected. They wear a sturdy helmet with a solid visor. They wear a strong neck guard. There are also shoulder guards and a thick jacket. The knight is safe.
The winged helmet insignia indicates the knight values speed. But there are also red tulips in the scene, indicating the knight values beauty and gentleness as well. This knight has many facets.
The cup is right in front of the scene. The cup is both elegant and sturdy. The knight is not holding it nor are they looking at it. It’s more like it’s on a table nearby; the knight knows it’s there, but it’s not a focus. The knight’s focus is out there, in the world. It’s on the people who need help.