Morning Yoga

A lovely morning session of yoga with bluebirds, nuthatches, chickadees, and the ever-present juncos. A serene way to start the day!


Just finished my morning yoga session. Today I had juncos, downies, and titmice keeping me company. Next up, to sort out my mail :).


A lovely yoga session this morning while titmice, juncos, and downies enjoyed the feeders. The blanket of white remains, the world is calm.


Woke up at 3:30pm today – sliding a bit towards sunrise. Had a much-needed 45 min of yoga. I could hear my neck bones crackling.


An hour of yoga while the sun drifted towards the horizon. Now the sky is a gorgeous velvet dark blue color. Not quite navy blue...


Just finished a lovely 50 min of yoga while the sun set. Gorgeous pink-orange sunset, relaxing stretches. Love the spinal twists.


A lovely yoga session on my back porch with flitting hummingbirds and Julie snoozing under the peony bush. Refreshed and renewed.